Monday, November 10, 2008

Our Wild Horses

Monday, November 10, 2008

I received this message this morning on a group I belong to, evidently this was an unannounced roundup:

I just got a call that BLM, Cedar City Office is gathering the Sulpher Springs herd. Did anyone get notice of this. A herd of sheep were just released on a decimated range.

And then as the day went on, I happened upon these two articles:

The pertinent part to this article is this:

The executive orders of the Bush administration are among the many items that are being reviewed by the new Obama team. The transition operation that was set up in August, even before Obama was formally nominated at the Democratic convention, included a plan to scrutinize the policies that could be reversed through the power of an executive order of the new president.
The federal Bureau of Land Management is poised to open about 360,000 acres of public land in Utah to oil and gas drilling, a plan that the Bush administration has argued would not harm the land. Environmentalists have opposed the idea, a sentiment echoed by Podesta on Sunday.

And then I saw this:

The pertinent part of this article is this:

One of Mr Obama’s first acts could be to use the power of executive authority – which enables presidents to take action without an Act of Congress – to block the expansion of oil drilling in the Utah wilderness authorised by Mr Bush. He is also looking to use the same power to lift the limits on stem cell research imposed by the current Administration.

Please, if you do nothing else, please x-post - the world must know about this.

And let's not forget that the BLM, the protector of Bush (because it's certainly not a protector of our horses) will be meeting on November 18th, to discuss what to do with all of the horses they cannot feed. If they can't feed them, why are the rounding up more? Well, now we know! We can't be lied to any longer.

In conclusion, I wonder if what Bush is doing is even legal, i.e., removing our horses not for their welfare, but to drill for oil. Does anyone know, is there anything we can do?
